Replace your chess clock with this free game timer! It's easy to use, yet fully featured to handle any time control. 100% free: no in-app purchases, no ads!
Choose your time control and you're ready to play. The 2nd player presses her button to start the 1st player's clock - and the game is on!
- Large, easy-to-read buttons
- Works in landscape and portrait on all devices
- Quickly customize the app for one-tap access to all your favorite time controls
- Time controls include base minutes per player and optional per-move delays or bonus time. The app supports both Fischer and Bronstein increments, as well as simple delays. The duration is up to you!
- Supports multiple-stage time controls commonly seen in tournaments, such as "40 moves in 2 hours + game in 60 minutes." A glance at the clock shows your current stage!
- Clock pauses automatically if the app is interrupted; manually pause the clock at any time
- Pleasant sounds for buttons and "time's up" alert
At, we really do love chess, and *sometimes* we even play it offline! For times like that, we created this clock - and we hope you love it as much as we do.
Ganti jam catur Anda dengan permainan ini waktu gratis! Sangat mudah untuk digunakan, namun penuh fitur untuk menangani kontrol waktu. 100% bebas: tidak ada di-app pembelian, tidak ada iklan!
Pilih waktu kontrol Anda dan Anda siap untuk bermain. 2 pemain menekan tombol nya untuk memulai jam pemain 1st - dan permainan on!
- Besar, tombol mudah dibaca
- Bekerja dalam lansekap dan potret pada semua perangkat
- Cepat menyesuaikan aplikasi untuk akses satu-sentuh untuk semua kontrol waktu favorit Anda
- Pengendalian waktu termasuk basis menit per pemain dan opsional keterlambatan per-langkah atau waktu bonus. Aplikasi ini mendukung Fischer dan Bronstein bertahap, serta penundaan sederhana. Durasi terserah Anda!
- Mendukung kontrol waktu beberapa tahap sering terlihat di turnamen, seperti "40 bergerak dalam 2 jam + pertandingan dalam 60 menit." Sebuah melirik jam menunjukkan tahap Anda saat ini!
- Jam berhenti secara otomatis jika app terganggu; manual jeda jam setiap saat
- Pleasant suara untuk tombol dan "waktunya habis" alert
Pada, kita benar-benar cinta catur, dan kadang-kadang * * kami bahkan bermain secara offline! Untuk saat-saat seperti itu, kita buat jam ini - dan kami harap Anda menyukainya sebanyak yang kita lakukan.
Replace your chess clock with this free game timer! It's easy to use, yet fully featured to handle any time control. 100% free: no in-app purchases, no ads!
Choose your time control and you're ready to play. The 2nd player presses her button to start the 1st player's clock - and the game is on!
- Large, easy-to-read buttons
- Works in landscape and portrait on all devices
- Quickly customize the app for one-tap access to all your favorite time controls
- Time controls include base minutes per player and optional per-move delays or bonus time. The app supports both Fischer and Bronstein increments, as well as simple delays. The duration is up to you!
- Supports multiple-stage time controls commonly seen in tournaments, such as "40 moves in 2 hours + game in 60 minutes." A glance at the clock shows your current stage!
- Clock pauses automatically if the app is interrupted; manually pause the clock at any time
- Pleasant sounds for buttons and "time's up" alert
At, we really do love chess, and *sometimes* we even play it offline! For times like that, we created this clock - and we hope you love it as much as we do.